This document Terms Of Engagement, often referred to as "Terms Of Service" or "Terms and Conditions", is a legal document that outlines the rules, conditions, and guidelines under which users can access and use my Online Resource Centre located at the web address https://www.johnadeyemi.com. This agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of both users and me. It governs the relationship between the user and me, and helps ensure proper usage, protection of intellectual property, liability limitations, and dispute resolution.

Last updated: 8th August, 2023.

  1. Acceptance of Terms
    By accessing and using John Adeyemi's Online Resource Centre located at the web address https://www.johnadeyemi.com ("the Service"), you agree to be bound by these Terms Of Engagement and all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use the Service.

  2. Introduction
    This document (the "Agreement") sets forth the principles, guidelines and requirements of the Terms Of Engagement of John Adeyemi's Online Resource Centre ("The Service" or "the service" or "the Service" or "my services" or "I" or "me" or "My" or "my" or "My Website" or "my website" or "My Web" or "my web")  (whose online presence is at https://www.johnadeyemi.com) governing the use by the user ("User" or "user" or "The User" or "the User" or "the user" or "Customer" or "customer" or "You" or "you" or "Your" or "your" or "Client" or "client") of the John Adeyemi's Online Resource Centre.

    These Terms Of Engagement have been created to promote the integrity, security, reliability and privacy of my facilities, network, and User data contained within. I believe I provide standard services in conformity with the standards in the industry, and then provide the following policies in the best interests of my services and my clients. I retain the right to modify these Terms Of Engagement at any time and from time to time and any such modification shall be automatically effective as to all customers when adopted by me and published at "https://www.johnadeyemi.com/terms-of-engagement.html". I shall be the sole and final arbiter as the interpretation of the following. By utilising my services, the Customer agrees to be bound by the terms herein outlined.

  3. User Responsibilities
    You agree to use the Service in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. You will not engage in any illegal, harmful, or unauthorised activities while using the Service. You will also refrain from violating the rights of others or interfering with the proper functioning of the Service.

  4. Intellectual Property
    All content and materials available on the Service, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, and software, are my property or property of my licensors. Except where stated, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works based on such content without explicit written permission.

  5. Privacy and Data Handling
    Your use of the Service is subject to my Privacy Policy, which outlines how I collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using the Service, you consent to the practices described in my Privacy Policy.

  6. Termination and Suspension
    I reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Service at my discretion, with or without cause, and without prior notice. You agree that I shall not be liable for any termination or suspension of your access to the Service.

  7. Limitation of Liability
    The Service is provided "as is" without any warranties or representations, whether express or implied. I shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the Service.

  8. Modifications to Terms
    I may update these Terms Of Engagement from time to time. Changes will be posted on my website, and your continued use of the Service after the changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of the modified terms.

  9. Disclaimer Notice
    1. Use of the Service is at your own risk. Neither do I make any warranties, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, that I will not be interrupted or be error free; nor do I make any warranty as to the results that might be obtained from the use of the Service or as to the accuracy, or reliability of any information service or merchandise contained or provided, through the Service, unless otherwise expressly stated in these Terms Of Engagement. This includes loss of data, whether resulting from delays, on deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by the Service or me or other causes.
    2. I am concerned with the privacy of online communications. In general, the INTERNET is neither more nor less secure than other common communications media, including mail, facsimile and voice telephone service, all of which can be intercepted and otherwise compromised. As a matter of prudence, however, I urge you to assume that all of online communications are insecure.
    3. I cannot take any responsibility for the security of communications transmitted over my web. I will comply fully, however, with all applicable laws concerning your privacy as expressed in my Privacy Policy. In particular, I will not intentionally monitor or disclose any private electronic mail messages sent or received by you, unless required to do so by law. I may, however, monitor my service electronically as expressed in my Cookies Policy, to determine that my web is operating satisfactorily. Also, I may be required to disclose information transmitted through my web in order to comply with court orders, statutes, regulations, or governmental requests. I may disclose information transmitted over my web where necessary to protect you and I from harm, or where such disclosure is necessary to the proper operation of my web.

  10. Governing Law
    These Terms Of Engagement are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any disputes arising out of or related to these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England.

  11. Contact Me
    If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding these Terms Of Engagement, please contact me.

  12. Kind regards,
    John Adeyemi.