During the moments I have outside my regular commitments, I am dedicated to engaging in activities aimed at contributing positively to the betterment and enhancement of our global community and environment.

Well, this looks like me.
(circa 2011)

Hello, I'm a gentle and easy-going individual, embracing life with a quiet yet discerning intelligence. My demeanour is often characterised by a calm and thoughtful presence, allowing me to navigate the world with a serene grace. I find comfort in reticence, valuing deep reflections and insightful observations. Behind my quiet exterior resides a vibrant intellect, seeking knowledge and understanding in the subtle nuances of life. My journey is a pursuit of wisdom, marked by a genuine curiosity for diverse experiences and a profound appreciation for the beauty found in simplicity.

I'm someone impassioned by the infinite wonders nestled within science, technology, and the realm of inventions. With an insatiable curiosity, I traverse the captivating landscapes of discovery, finding solace in the boundless expanse of scientific exploration. My quiet yet fervent demeanour conceals a profound fascination with innovation, in which I delve into the complex weave of technological progress and the excitement of creative endeavours. This unending quest for knowledge and innovation fuels my journey, intertwining curiosity with an unwavering appreciation for the transformative power that science, technology, and inventive thinking bestow upon our world.

As a Software Engineer and Entrepreneur, I bring a blend of technical expertise and a knack for innovation to the table. My background in computing and information systems equips me with strong software development skills, problem-solving abilities, and a keen understanding of technological advancements. As an entrepreneur, I thrive on identifying opportunities and creating solutions. I possess a vision for innovative products and services and am driven to turn these ideas into reality.
Staying adaptable in the rapidly changing tech landscape, I remain updated with emerging technologies and trends, enabling me to pivot strategies effectively. I embrace calculated risks, exhibit resilience in setbacks, and couple my technical prowess with business acumen, strategic planning, and leadership skills to steer ventures toward success. My passion lies in problem-solving and leveraging technology to create impactful solutions that potentially shape the future of industries.

Combining a profound passion for science, technology, and inventive exploration with teaching background, I have developed a diverse background of expertise in leading and motivating learners within the realms of innovation. My journey as an educator spans more than two (2) decades, characterised by a dedication to fostering a deep appreciation for *STEM fields. Through meticulous lesson planning, interactive methodologies, and a keen understanding of pedagogical techniques, I've had the privilege of nurturing inquisitive minds and shaping the next generation of thinkers, innovators, and problem solvers. My teaching philosophy intertwines academic rigour with real-world applications, encouraging critical thinking, experimentation, and a thirst for discovery. This journey has not only equipped me with comprehensive teaching skills but has also instilled in me a fervent belief in the transformative power of education within the spheres of science, technology, and inventive inquiry.
My teaching philosophy centres around fostering a hands-on, immersive approach to STEM education. I've had the privilege of instructing diverse groups at the high school, college undergraduate, working-class, and professional levels. My focus extends beyond traditional lectures. I've engaged in student-centric methodologies, encouraging exploration, experimentation, and collaborative projects to enhance understanding and engagement. One significant aspect of my contribution has been the development of tailored STEM curricula that align with evolving educational standards. I've actively led curriculum design initiatives, integrating cutting-edge technology and innovative teaching strategies to make STEM subjects accessible and captivating for learners. I've spearheaded STEM-focused workshops and extracurricular activities, igniting students' interest. Witnessing the growth and success of my students—measured through improved academic performances and enthusiastic involvement—remains an immensely rewarding aspect of my journey as an educator. Through innovative projects and hands-on experiments, I've fostered an environment of creativity and critical thinking. I've witnessed students dive into projects that push the boundaries of their knowledge, sparking a fire of curiosity that propels them beyond classroom walls. I've also been involved in networks promoting diversity and inclusion. Creating an inclusive environment where every voice is valued has been a priority, fostering a diverse community of budding innovators.

As an innovator with a diverse background spanning utility software development, STEM education, and contributions to large-scale projects, I bring a multifaceted approach to innovation. My track record in crafting utility software projects showcases my ability to identify practical solutions to complex problems. Teaching students in science and technology has honed my ability to convey intricate concepts in innovative and accessible ways, fostering the next generation of innovators.

Delivering an address/speech.
(circa 2014/2015)

My involvement in large-scale projects has equipped me with a holistic view of innovation, emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and out-of-the-box thinking. This experience, combined with my innate innovative drive, positions me to thrive in dynamic environments. I approach challenges with a blend of creativity and technical expertise, driving toward groundbreaking solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible.
My passion for innovation isn't just about creating products—it's about transforming ideas into impactful solutions that drive progress and inspire others. Joining visionary teams at various establishments aligns with my commitment to innovation, offering an environment where I can contribute, collaborate, and continue making meaningful advancements in technology and beyond. My journey has been defined by a relentless pursuit of innovation. My foray into AI and information systems has been marked by groundbreaking initiatives that leverage cutting-edge technology to solve real-world challenges. I thrive on exploring the frontiers of AI, developing intelligent systems that optimise processes and elevate efficiency. Teaching in science and technology has not only empowered future innovators but has also deepened my own understanding of these domains. This experience, coupled with my hands-on involvement in large-scale projects, has cultivated a unique perspective—an ability to navigate complex technological landscapes with creativity and expertise.

My commitment revolves around leveraging technology to drive impactful innovation, aligning with the ethos of pioneering organisations at the forefront of technological advancement. Through my dedication to innovation and expertise in AI and information systems, I strive to contribute significantly to transformative projects. My focus is on pushing the boundaries of technology to shape a more intelligent, innovative future.

With a thrust in software engineering and a vision for pioneering advancements, I'm dedicated to shaping the future through transformative tech ventures. My journey revolves around merging cutting-edge technology with business acumen, crafting solutions that redefine industries. From AI-driven innovations to leveraging information systems, I thrive on pushing boundaries and fostering a culture of innovation. Join me in exploring the uncharted territories of technology, where innovation meets impact, shaping a smarter, more connected future.

  • MY GENDER: Male.

  • MY PRONOUNS: He, Him.

  • MY SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Straight, Heterosexual, Sapiosexual.

  • LANGUAGES I AM FLUENT IN: English, Yoruba.

*STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It represents an interdisciplinary approach to education and learning that integrates these four fields. STEM education emphasizes the application of scientific principles, technological advancements, engineering methodologies, and mathematical reasoning in problem-solving and innovation. The focus on STEM education aims to prepare students with critical skills such as analytical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. It encourages students to explore, experiment, and engage in hands-on learning experiences that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications. STEM education also plays a significant role in addressing societal challenges, fostering innovation, and preparing individuals for careers in fields driven by these disciplines, such as computer science, robotics, healthcare, environmental science, and more.